nextnanomat, nextnano++, nextnano³, nextnano.NEGF, nextnano.MSB 

Powerful tools for the simulation of nanostructures and optoelectronic semiconductor nano devices.
Applications include nano transistors, LEDs, laser diodes, quantum dots, nanowires, quantum cascade lasers, HEMTs, photo detectors and solar cells.


We essentially offer five software tools.

  • nextnanomat
    Front End & Workflow Manager
    nextnanomat provides the graphical user interface (GUI) for the nextnano++, nextnano³, nextnano.NEGF and nextnano.MSB software.
  • nextnano++
    Our Schrödinger-Poisson-Current solver written in C++.
  • nextnano³
    Our Schrödinger-Poisson-Current solver written in Fortran.
  • nextnano.NEGF
    Our NEGF code for quantum transport in e.g. quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) based on the nonequilibrium Green’s function method (NEGF).
  • nextnano.MSB
    Our NEGF code for quantum transport in e.g. quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) based on the multi-scattering Büttiker probe model (MSB).

    Whether you want to use nextnano++ or nextnano³ is up to you. Choose your flavor!


next generation 3D nano device simulator

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The nextnano++ and nextnano³ software are simulators for calculating, in a consistent manner, the realistic electronic structure of three-dimensional heterostructure quantum devices under bias and its current density close to equilibrium. The electronic structure is calculated fully quantum mechanically, whereas the current is determined by employing a semiclassical concept of local Fermi levels that are calculated self-consistently.

Simulating quantum dots, quantum wires, RTDs, MOSFETs, HEMTs, etc.

  • includes group IV materials (Si, Ge, SiGe), all III-V and II-VI materials and its ternaries as well as lattice-matched quaternaries; the nitrides and the II-VI materials are available in the zincblende and wurtzite crystal structure
  • flexible structures and geometries (1D, 2D and 3D)
  • fully quantum mechanically, based on the 8-band k.p model within a finite differences grid
  • includes strain, piezo and pyroelectric charges
  • growth directions along [001], [011], [111], [211], … in short along any crystallographic direction
  • equilibrium and nonequilibrium, calculation of current close to equilibrium (semi-classical), ballistic transport
  • magnetic field
  • optical absorption
  • BIO-nextnano³
    Semiconductors connected to an electrolyte solution (Poisson-Boltzmann equation)